virtual diary

Welcome to the text heavy page. I promise its the only page like this (probably idk).

This page is gonna be used as my virtual diary. I'll try to keep it not too personal.

7/12/2023. Wednesday & 7/13/2023.

thursday. I spent most of the day coding and putting this page together.

On wednesday I hung out three of my friends. we listened to music and ate pizza. it was real chill.

on thursday my brother came home. I also went into the woods and practiced my quadrobics. My arms and legs hurt like hell, but it was fun.

7/14/2023 friday.

I ordered an mp3 player and I decided to try to weite.

7/15/2023 saturday.

I hung out with some of my friends, we chilled in the basement. I started watching marble hornets.

7/16/2023 sunday

my mp3 player arrived and I saw the musical "Six".

7/17/2023 monday

started my raptor mask

7/18/2023 tuesday

FUCK. the feelings.

7/19/2023 wednesyday.

phone stopped working spent the night shaking and crying.

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